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The VBHI is a major player in Bordeaux’s university hospital ecosystem. It organises translational biomedical research based on world-class academic research. This research is carried out within the University of Bordeaux, in close partnership with national research bodies. It is deveoped in collaboration with the Bordeaux University Hospital and with the patients and public that it serves.

A university hospital institute

In 2023, the VBHI won a prestigious grant as part of the France 2030 programme to become a world-class University Hospital Institute (Institut Hopitalo-Universitaire, IHU).

Focused on a specialised area of expertise and operating within a specific region, each IHU encourages the emergence of clusters that provide an attractive environment for talented researchers, clinicians, industry partners and patients. IHUs aim to :

  • foster experimentation with new methods for better prevention and care,
  • train top professionals in the fields of healthcare, research and development,
  • promote change and innovation by encouraging partnerships, particularly between the public and private sectors.
France 2030 VBHI : Gouvernement 2030

A foundation for scientific cooperation

The VBHI’s activities and governance are organised within a Fondation de Coopération Scientifique under the stewardship of the Fondation Bordeaux Université. This model facilitates interaction between public players, private partners and the general public, and it ensures that activities are fully focused on the objective of advancing knowledge of vascular brain diseases and their early treatment.

The VBHI involves socio-economic partners and patient associations in its governance, who actively contribute to its direction and are essential to ensuring its impact on a regional, national and global scale.

Founding members

Université de Bordeaux
CHU Bordeaux
Fondation Bordeaux Université

The following partners are also involved in governance:


The VBHI is headed by Professor Stéphanie Debette, who is supported by a Deputy Director and four Deputy Scientific Directors as well as a collegiate body representing the scientific and medical expertise involved.

The VBHI’s general strategy is established and supervised by a Management Board, working closely with the Management Team and following the guidelines of an International Scientific Advisory Board.

The Management Board

The role of the Management Board is to ensure the smooth running of the Institute by deciding on its strategic directions and monitoring its management and financial health. It is chaired by Christine Clerici, Professor of Physiology and Honorary President of Université Paris Cité, and is made up of three colleges:

  • representatives of the institutions that founded the Institute,
  • representatives of the public-sector research and health partners associated with the Institute’s programmes,
  • qualified experts, including representatives of patients, industry partners, the medical and scientific community, and a student representative.

The management of the Fondation Bordeaux Université and a representative of the French Government also sit on the Management Board.

The International Scientific Advisory Board

The International Scientific Advisory Board is made up of leading international scientists in VBHI’s areas of research activities. Its role is to provide guidance on the major scientific initiatives the Institute undertakes and its yearly action plan.

  • Amy Brodtmann (Melbourne)
  • Michael Grecius (San Francisco)
  • Raj Kalaria (Newscastle)
  • Augustin Ruiz (Barcelona)
  • Urs Fischer (Basel)
  • Renate Schnabel (Hamburg)
  • Katerina Akassoglou (San Francisco)

The Executive Committee and the Board of Directors

The Executive Committee is responsible for the proper execution of programmes and operations within the Institute, with the support of the Secretary General. Its role is to prepare and present to the Board of Directors the programme of activities, the budget, partnership projects, contracts and donations earmarked for the VBHI, as well as any other dossier required for the smooth running of the institute.

Secretary General: Pauline Beaufrère

At least once every three months, the Board of Directors, made up of the members of the Executive Committee and the Heads of the Institute’s scientific, medical and educational initiatives, meet to discuss results, progress, and the future direction of the Institute.


The Executive Committee is supported by high-level experts who contribute to the development of VBHI’s operational strategy in their areas of expertise.

  • Christophe Tzourio (epidemiology)
  • Michel Vounatsos (innovation)
How can you support the Institute?

Your help is essential in the fight against stroke and dementia, and for the promotion of healthy brain ageing.

By supporting cutting-edge research to develop new prevention strategies and personalised therapies for vascular brain diseases, you are helping reduce the burden of these diseases worldwide.

Your donation entitles you to a tax reduction.
E.g.: If I am taxable and I donate €50, my donation will only cost me €12 after tax reduction.

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