The 4th Music for the Brain concert and public talk took place on November 25, 2023, in Bordeaux at the Bernard Magrez Cultural Institute. This new edition was dedicated to supporting the launch of the VBHI.
A philanthropic event
Organised by the University of Bordeaux, the University of Bordeaux Foundation and with the support of the Bernard Magrez Cultural Institute, this philanthropic event was dedicated to the VBHI Institute.
Proceeds from the event will go towards funding cutting-edge research activities at the Institute.
The VBHI’s research is firmly rooted within its local community while also driving efforts forward at the international level. Its researchers have a long history of close collaboration with leading foreign institutions such as Munich’s LMU University, a privileged partner of the University of Bordeaux, whose presidential delegation was welcomed at the event.
Carte Blanche to Nicolas Dautricourt
The concert, “Carte blanche à Nicolas Dautricourt”, was led by Claire-Marie Le Guay (piano) and Nicolas Dautricourt (violin), and his quartet: Rafael Mejia (percussion), Jean-François Durez (piano), Philippe Aerts (bass).
Nicolas Dautricourt introduced the legendary 1704 Château Fombrauge Stradivarius, generously loaned by Bernard Magrez.
This 4th edition of the philanthropic and cultural event offered a rich and varied programme. Two exhibitions were also displayed during the event:
- The “Cimes et Ciment” exhibition, Galerie de l’Institut Culturel Bernard Magrez
- The contemporary art exhibition “Beauty will save the world”, Château Labottière
A cocktail reception brought the event to a close, giving the public an opportunity to chat with the researchers and artists in the elegant surroundings of Château Labottière.
If you too would like to support the VBHI institute and take part in the fight against stroke and dementia, both locally and worldwide, you can donate now by clicking here.
To find out more about the Music for the Brain:
Photo credits: ©Institut Culturel Bernard Magrez