His laboratory pursues interdisciplinary research in the areas of biomedical chemistry, RNA therapeutics and nanotechnology. A major objective is the study and development of new biomaterials to i) deliver drugs (peptides, proteins, nucleic acids, etc.), ii) build advanced biomaterials for regenerative medicine and iii) discover new therapeutic nucleic acids.
Currently, his group is exploring the fundamental molecular and supramolecular principles underlying bioconjugates, including nucleolipids, glycosyl-nucleolipids, and lipid-oligonucleotides.
- Major contributions to new therapeutic approaches targeting RNA: Development of modified oligonucleotides for therapeutic purposes (Optoligo Hub, http://chembiopharm.fr/opto-oligo/).
- Innovative methodology for the construction of supramolecular biomaterials mimetic of the extracellular matrix
- Biodelivery systems allowing controlled release of active molecules