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Your donation can save lives by preventing stroke and dementia.

Why give?

Stroke is the 2nd leading cause of death worldwide and the 1st st in women in France.

More than 57 million people worldwide have dementia, with at least 900,000 people in France.

The figures are rising at an alarming rate, with increasing inequalities in health.

These diseases not only affect the patients themselves, but also the carers, family and community around them.

The VBHI is a centre of excellence dedicated to vascular brain health, specialising in next-generation prevention of the most common neurological diseases: stroke and dementia.

By supporting cutting-edge research to develop new prevention strategies and personalised therapies for stroke and dementia, you are helping us reduce the burden of these diseases in France and around the world.

Don’t forget that your donation entitles you to a tax reduction (66% for personal tax and 75% for IFI tax).

How to donate

Donations to the VBHI are made with support from the Fondation Bordeaux Université, an established foundation that has been working to support public research since 2009.
You can make your donation online by going to the dedicated platform and clicking on “Make a donation”. You will receive a tax receipt confirming your donation.

What will my donation support?

Institut VBHI : Soutenir la recherche


Your donation can be used to fund high-definition MRI scans of the brain.

Institut VBHI : Soutenir la formation


All or part of a PhD student’s stay in a foreign laboratory can be made possible by your donation.

Institut VBHI : Soutenir l'aide aux malades

Support for patients

Your donation can finance part of the purchase of neuromodulation devices*.

*(a non-invasive tool to help maintain cognitive abilities in patients with cerebral small vessel disease)

Tax deductible

Your donation entitles you to a tax reduction (66% for personal tax and 75% for IFI tax).

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