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This page describes the legal notices that apply to anyone visiting this website (the Internet user). By accessing this website, the user accepts to comply with them. By accessing or using the VBHI Institute website, the user accepts the conditions of use in effect at the time of accessing the site. The VBHI reserves the right to modify these conditions of use freely and without prior notice. It is the user’s responsibility to inform themselves of the conditions of use in effect at the time they access the website.


The website is a publication of the VBHI (Vascular Brain Health Institute).

Institut de Bio-Imagerie
Université de Bordeaux
Site Carreire
146 rue Léo Saignat
33000 Bordeaux

The VBHI Institute is a sponsored foundation under the aegis of the Bordeaux University Foundation, scientific cooperation foundation, created by decree on 24/07/2024 and registered under number 803 802 107 00018.


Publication director: Pr Stéphanie Debette – Director of the VBHI Institute


Content development: in collaboration with the VBHI team and the communications departments of the institute’s founding institutions
Communications Officer and webmaster: Elena Milesi –
Web design and graphics: Studio Bel-Camille
Website creation and technical maintenance: Frédéric Saout (06 98 94 11 98)


The website is hosted by :
2 rue Kellermann
59 100 Roubaix
Tel: 1007


The purpose of the website is to present the VBHI’s missions, research themes and ambitions. The website is aimed primarily at the general public, followed by government bodies and departments, private companies, potential investors and partners, the research teams involved and the media. None of the information relating to the medical field may be used as a substitute for the opinion of health professionals in the context of a medical diagnosis.


The content, texts, videos, images and animations on the site are made available to the public by the VBHI. However, they are protected by intellectual property law and are the exclusive property of the VBHI. As such, the reproduction, translation or any other use of data or information from the site for purposes other than research, personal study, educational and non-commercial purposes, is subject to prior written authorisation from VBHI.

However, the VBHI grants Internet users the right to reproduce all or part of the content of the site, in one copy for back-up or printing purposes. This right is granted for strictly personal, private and non-collective use.

Unless prior written authorisation has been obtained, Internet users are prohibited from using the logos on the site. However, there is one exception: tacit authorisation is given when the VBHI logo is used to link to the home page of the Institut VBHI website. The logo must then be used in its entirety and without any modification. A communications kit containing the VBHI logo and graphic charter is available in the Press section.

Not all photographs and illustrations on the website are copyright-free. For further information, please contact the communications manager.

Copyright ©VBHI Institute –

Photo credits used on the site : 402436726 Kasto – 302975834 ktsdesign – 187854061 – 98914185 rocketclips – 466211132 C.Castilla – 482578533 metamorworks – 559095551 kamiphotos – 670325031 sandra – 678733730 Srdjan – 715839625 MP Studio – 733218950 Bartek – 774151049 kaznadey – 777404962 leszekglasner – 206024583 ivoderooij – 308806813 Melinda Nagy


VBHI makes every effort to ensure that the information provided is accurate and up-to-date at the time it is posted on the website. However, it does not in any way guarantee the accuracy, precision or completeness of the information made available on the site. The information on the site is non-contractual and may be modified at any time.

The site is governed by French law. Foreign users formally accept the application of French law by visiting this site and using all or part of the site’s functionalities.


The VBHI website may contain links to partner or third-party websites. As we have no way of controlling these sites, we cannot guarantee that they comply with the laws and regulations in force.

Any public or private site, with the exception of sites disseminating information of a controversial, pornographic, sectarian or xenophobic nature, is authorised to establish, without prior authorisation, a link to the home page or directly to the information disseminated by the VBHI Institute site. However, under no circumstances may the pages of the website be embedded within the pages of another website. Every effort must be made to clearly indicate to Internet users that they are on the VBHI site and to allow them to browse freely.

VBHI is in no way responsible for links to the website. VBHI reserves the right to request the removal of any link that it deems to be inconsistent with its editorial policy or that may harm its image, without prejudice to any subsequent action that may be taken before the competent courts.


In accordance with Articles 12, 13 and 14 of the RGPD, the Institut VBHI (which is the data controller under the aegis of the Fondation Bordeaux Université – SIREN 803802107) provides Internet users with transparent information on the use of their personal data.

In accordance with the French Data Protection Act of 6 January 1978, Internet users have the right to access, rectify, delete and oppose their personal data. Internet users may exercise this right by sending a written request to the VBHI Institute: VBHI – Institut de BioImagerie – Université de Bordeaux – Site Carreire 146 rue Léo Saignat 33000 Bordeaux – France. Internet users may also withdraw their consent to the processing of their data.

1. Data collected

On the website, 2 types of data are likely to be collected.

Data transmitted directly is data transmitted directly by the Internet user, via a contact form or by direct contact by email. The “surname”, “first name”, “email” and “message” fields are compulsory in the contact form.

This directly transmitted data is used for the purpose of recontacting the Internet user and/or in connection with the request made.

The data collected automatically is the data collected when the user visits the site. Once consent has been given, the information collected is of the “web analytics” type relating to browsing, duration of consultation, IP address, browser type and version. The technology used is the cookie.

This “web analytics” data is collected anonymously (by recording anonymous IP addresses) by Google Analytics, and is used to measure the website audience, consultations and any errors in order to constantly improve the experience of Internet users on the site. This data is used by the VBHI Institute, which is responsible for data processing, and will never be transferred to a third party or used for purposes other than those detailed above.

As stipulated by the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), personal data is only collected with the compulsory consent of the Internet user. This consent must be validly obtained (buttons and tick boxes), free, clear and unequivocal.

The data collected differs according to the purpose of the associated processing:

  • Information requests
    The VBHI collects identity information, contact details and details of requests.
  • Newsletters data
    Consenting patients, members, professional contacts and newsletter subscribers may receive informative communications by e-mail, telephone or post. In this case, the e-mail address and any consent given are collected. Internet users may inform the VBHI that they no longer wish to receive these communications.
  • Details of contacts likely to make or facilitate a donation
    The following information is collected: identity, contact details, job title and any professional contact details, comments and history of the donor relationship.
  • Donor data and donation history
    We collect identities, contact details, any professional functions, transaction data and any consents to publication.
  • Prospect data for services
    The following information is collected: surname, first name, professional e-mail address, professional telephone number, job title, questions and associated answers, data sets for a potential assignment.
  • Data from participants in a training course, seminar, webinar or other live event
    The following information is collected: identity, contact details, job title, attendance, satisfaction and evaluation data, photo, video or sound recordings, consent to the publication of recordings, CV, school grades, diplomas as well as data from discussion forums and diet and connection data (Zoom).
  • Inventor data for patent applications
    The following information is collected: surname, first name, contact details, date of birth and job title.
  • Data on referenced or potential suppliers
    The identity of the contacts at referenced or potential suppliers and all the documents or data provided to become a supplier, as well as the suppliers’ nominative accounting documents, are collected.
  • Applying for a job or an internship
    The CV, any covering letter and any other documents or data supplied when applying (spontaneously or otherwise) for a job, as well as any data supplied by previous employers, are collected.
  • Website connection data
    Connection data (IP address, date/time, browser type, URL consulted) to the site is collected indirectly by analysis tools.
  • Data on staff, visitors and guests
    The identities, contact details and data required to process requests and meet service requirements (security of premises, missions, reimbursement of expenses, etc.) are collected.

2. Use of data collected and legal basis for processing

The data collected is used for different purposes:

  • Information requests
    The purpose is to process requests. The legal basis is the consent of the data subjects or, failing that, the legitimate interests of the VBHI.
  • Newsletters data
    The purpose is to manage the transmission of the newsletter and to manage subscriptions and unsubscriptions. The legal basis is the consent of subscribers or, failing that, the legitimate interests of VBHI.
  • Details of contacts likely to make or facilitate a donation
    The purpose is to canvass new sponsors or donors and to manage prospect relations and canvassing. The legal basis for the use and processing of prospects’ personal data is the consent of the parties concerned or, failing that, the legitimate interest of the VBHI as a general interest organisation or, failing that, its public interest mission as determined by the “shelter” agreement.
  • Donor data and donation history
    The data collected is used to manage donations, publish information on donations, manage donor relations, monitor accounts, issue tax receipts and produce related indicators. The legal basis for data processing is the VBHI’s public interest mission as defined in the “shelter” agreement or, failing that, the legal basis of its legitimate interests.
  • Prospect data for services
    The purpose is to process requests for information, quotes and callback requests, as well as to manage feasibility studies and pre-contractual prospect relations. The legal basis is the consent of the parties concerned or, failing that, the legitimate interest of VBHI as a service provider.
  • Data from participants in a training course, seminar, webinar or other live event
    The purpose is to study applications, organise training sessions, monitor and report on activities and the associated invoicing, as well as to issue compulsory or evidential documents relating to the training. The legal basis for the use and processing of personal data is the performance of a training agreement or service provision contract or, failing that, compliance with any applicable legal and regulatory obligations or, failing that, the legitimate interests of Institut VBHI as a training centre.
  • Inventor data for patent applications
    The purpose is the management of legal patent applications and compliance with legal obligations in this area. The legal basis is compliance with legal and regulatory obligations or, failing that, the legitimate interests of the VBHI Institute or, failing that, the legitimate interests of inventors.
  • Data on referenced or potential suppliers
    The purpose is to manage supplier relations and accounting. The legal basis is the execution of a purchase contract or, failing that, the legitimate interest of the parties concerned or, failing that, the legitimate interest of VBHI as a purchaser.
  • Applying for a job or an internship
    The purpose is to assess the suitability of a professional profile in relation to a potential vacancy and then to transfer the application to a potential partner-employer as well as to populate a CV library. The legal basis is based on the consent of the parties concerned or, failing that, on the legitimate interest of the job seeker or, failing that, on the legitimate interest of the VBHI as a recruiter.
  • Website connection data
    Connection data is used to guarantee the security and traceability of personal data. This data is also used for website consultation and visit statistics. The legal basis is the legitimate interests of the VBHI.
  • Data on staff, visitors and guests
    Staff, visitor and guest data The aim is to process requests in the context of professional activities, monitor staff and produce a social balance sheet for the annual report, but also in the context of the safety of goods and people.

3. Sources and recipients of personal data

Access to personal data is restricted to the persons or bodies concerned:

  • Information requests
    Only the staff concerned by the request may have access to the data communicated.
  • Newsletters data
    Only the Communications Department has access to the data processed.
  • Details of contacts likely to make or facilitate a donation
    Only staff in contact with potential donors may have access to the data collected. Prospective donors’ data may be transferred to organisations that have signed partnership agreements. In rare cases, prospect data may be enhanced with public information or information from specialised databases.
  • Donor data and donation history
    Only the Management Committee and the sponsorship departments of the VBHI Institute, VBHI communications (as part of the management of counterparties) and the accounting department of the Fondation Bordeaux Université are authorised to have access to the data communicated concerning donations. Data may be transferred to an outsourced fundraising strategy support subcontractor.
  • Prospect data for services
    Only management and staff in contact with prospective customers may have access to the data provided. The data of potential VBHI customers may be transferred to organisations that have signed partnership agreements. In rare cases, prospect data may be enhanced with public information (e.g. from the commercial register).
  • Data from participants in a training course, seminar, webinar or other live event
    Only the administrative staff concerned, the instructors concerned and the trainers (internal or external) concerned may have access to the data processed. Participants’ personal data may be transferred to third-party funding bodies or institutional partners.
  • Data sets provided by VBHI’s prospects and customers to secure the site
    Only the staff concerned may have access to the data communicated. Data may be transferred to our sponsors. Data may also be transferred to organisations that have signed partnership agreements.
  • Inventor data for patent applications
    Only the staff concerned or in contact with the inventors may have access to the data processed. Inventors’ data may be transferred to organisations that have signed partnership agreements, to firms specialising in patent registration and to agents responsible for informing employers.
  • Data on referenced or potential suppliers
    Only management, staff in charge of purchasing or supplier-related projects and the accounts department have access to the data collected. In rare cases, the VBHI may add public information to its data on active or potential suppliers.
  • Applying for a job or an internship
    Only staff involved in recruitment may have access to the data collected. In rare cases, candidate profiles may be transferred to institutional partners or partners involved in similar, related or complementary activities. The VBHI candidate database may be enhanced with public information (in particular from the CV library) or information from partner companies.
  • Website connection data
    Only the Communications Department has access to the data collected.
  • Data on staff, visitors and guests
    Only the staff concerned may have access to the data communicated.

4. How long we keep your data

The maximum period for which personal data may be retained varies according to the type of processing carried out:

  • Data from enquiries (non-commercial)
    6 months after last contact
  • Newsletter data
    3 years in the event of detection of inactivity in the opening of messages sent or until withdrawal of consent.
  • Details of contacts likely to make or facilitate a donation
    3 years after prospect inactivity
  • Donor data and donation history
    In accordance with the legal retention period for supporting accounting documents, personal data is retained for 10 years after the last actual donation.
  • Prospect data for services
    2 years after prospect inactivity
  • Customer data for services
    5 years after the end of the contractual relationship and 10 years for personal accounting records
  • Data from participants in a training course, seminar, webinar or other live event
    End of training for the diet. 5 years after the end of the contractual relationship for other data. 10 years for nominative accounting documents. Unlimited for any copies of diplomas and certificates.
  • Inventor data for patent applications
    Until the end of the operational requirement
  • Data from referenced or potential suppliers 3 years for potential suppliers
    5 years after the last purchase for active suppliers. 10 years for nominative accounting documents.
  • Applying for a job or an internship
    2 years after inactivity of the relationship with the candidate
  • Website connection data 
    6 months
  • Staff, visitor and guest data
    For personnel data, information is kept in accordance with regulatory requirements for the monitoring of individuals. Data relating to safety is kept for a maximum of 3 months.

5. Data storage

Data is stored within the European Union (in France or the Netherlands) in VBHI databases or files or in those of service providers with whom VBHI has a contractual relationship. The following tools are used: SaaS, in particular Gdrive® and Dropbox®, and WeTransfer® , which can transfer data outside the EU within a secure and legal framework guaranteed by a Standard Contractual Clause (SCC) or BCR.


What is a cookie?

A cookie is a text file that may be stored in a dedicated space on the hard disk of your electronic equipment when you consult an online service using your browser software. A cookie file enables its issuer to identify the terminal in which it is stored, for the duration of the cookie’s validity or storage.

The cookies issued on the site

When you connect to the site, may, subject to your choices, install various cookies that enable it to recognise the browser you are using for the duration of the cookie’s validity.

The purpose of the cookies issued is to

  • to compile statistics and volumes of visits to and use of the various elements making up the site (sections and content visited, routes taken), enabling us to improve the interest and ergonomics of the services, as well as the visibility of the content published;
  • to enable or facilitate your browsing on the site, or to provide you with the online communication services you request during your browsing, and thus :
  • to adapt the presentation of the site to your terminal’s display preferences (display resolution, operating system used, etc.) when you visit the site, depending on the hardware and viewing or reading software that your terminal is equipped with.

Cookies sent to the site by third parties

The VBHI may include computer applications from third parties on the website that allow you to share content on the website with other people or to let these other people know what you have seen or your opinion about content on the website.

The issue and use of cookies by third parties are subject to the privacy protection policies of these third parties.

VBHI does not control the process used by social networks to collect information about your browsing on the site. VBHI invites you to consult the privacy protection policies of these social networks in order to learn about the purposes for which they may use the browsing information they may collect through these application buttons, particularly for advertising purposes. These protection policies should enable you to exercise your choices with regard to these social networks, in particular by configuring your user accounts for each of these networks.

The site may contain cookies issued by third parties (audience measurement) which, during the period of validity of these cookies, enable them to collect browsing information relating to terminals consulting the site, in particular in order to measure the effectiveness of paid search engine referencing campaigns.

Your choices concerning cookies

You have several options for managing cookies. Any changes you make may affect your Internet browsing experience and your access to certain services requiring the use of cookies.

You can choose at any time to express and modify your wishes with regard to cookies, by the means described below.

You can configure your browser software so that cookies are stored on your terminal or, conversely, so that they are rejected, either systematically or depending on the sender.

You can also configure your browser so that you are asked to accept or reject cookies from time to time, before a cookie is stored on your terminal.

Cookie agreement

The recording of a cookie in a terminal is essentially subject to the wishes of the terminal user, who may express and modify these wishes at any time and free of charge by means of the choices offered by his or her browser software.
If you have accepted the storage of cookies on your terminal in your browser software, the cookies integrated into the pages and content that you have consulted may be stored temporarily in a dedicated space on your terminal. They will only be readable there by the sender.

Refusing cookies

If you refuse to accept cookies on your terminal, or if you delete the cookies stored on your terminal, you will no longer be able to take advantage of a certain number of functions, such as sharing on social networks.

How do you exercise your choices, depending on the browser you use?

Each browser has a different configuration for managing cookies and your choices. This is described in your browser’s help menu, which will tell you how to modify your cookie preferences.

If you share the use of your terminal with other people

If your terminal is used by several people and if the same terminal has several browsers, the VBHI cannot be certain that the services intended for your terminal correspond to your own use of this terminal and not to that of another user of this terminal.

Where applicable, you are free to choose whether or not to share the use of your terminal with others and to configure your browser settings with regard to cookies.

For more information on cookies and their use, you can consult the file of the Commission Nationale de l’Informatique et des Libertés at the following address:

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