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Rodolphe THIEBAUT, PU-PH, director of the BPH Inserm U1219, University of Bordeaux – Bordeaux University Hospital - Inria

Rodolphe Thiébaut trained as a doctor specialising in public health. After a doctorate in biostatistics at the University of Bordeaux, he began his research career at Inserm in 2002 as a researcher and research director between 2010 and 2013. He was a researcher in the Immunobiology Division of the Institute of Child Health in 2007.

He is now Professor of Public Health (Medical Informatics and Biostatistics) at the University of Bordeaux. He is head of the medical information department at Bordeaux University Hospital and the project leader for the EDS@NOVA regional hospital data warehouse.

He is head of the Bordeaux Population Health research centre, where he set up the SISTM (Statistics for Translational Medicine) team, which has also been accredited by Inria since January 2015 and is dedicated to the modelling and analysis of large-scale data, mainly applied to immunology, in close collaboration with the Vaccine Research Institute.

Rodolphe Thiébaut is director of the Digital Public Health University Research School and coordinator of the Public Health Data Science Master’s programme at Isped (Institut de Santé Publique, d’Epidémiologie et de Développement).

He is the author/co-author of over 300 publications in peer-reviewed journals, including New England Journal, Lancet, AIDS, Journal of Immunology, Biometrics, Statistics in Medicine, Plos Computational Biology.

He is a member of the Institute’s Board of Directors.

VBHI team: Rodolphe Thiebaut
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