Cyril Goizet performed his training in clinical genetics from 1995 to 2000 at the University of Bordeaux and defended his MD in 2000. He defended his PhD in 2005 (University of Bordeaux), completed a post-doctoral fellowship at Inserm U679 in Paris La Salpêtrière (2007-2008), and obtained an Authorization to Direct Research in 2008 (University of Bordeaux).
As an associate professor (2006-2010) and then, as a professor in Medical Genetics since 2010, he heads a multidisciplinary team devoted to the care and follow-up of neurogenetic disorders in the department of Medical Genetics at Bordeaux University Hospital, which obtained two certification labels of National Reference Centers for Rare Diseases in 2017 (“Neurogenetics”) and in 2022 (“Huntington disease and other chorea”).
He has developed strong clinical and translational research activities in the field of neurogenetics, including rare cerebral vasculopathies and rare neurodegenerative conditions, in this clinical unit as well as at Inserm U1211 laboratory (2010-2022) and then in the NRGEN team at INCIA (CNRS, EPHE, University of Bordeaux) since 2022.